Yearbook of the Linguistic Association of Finland, vol 7:1994SKY:n sivuille

Edited by Shore Susanna & Vilkuna Maria, ISSN 1456-8438

The journal is available for download in pdf-format. You should be able to view any of the available pdf-files using any available pdf-reader.

This is the electronic version of the print-only 1994 Yearbook. Only the articles and sections for which we have received permission to publish online are available. If you are the author of one of the articles or sections not available online, and you would like to have it available on this site, please contact us.


Table of contents of Yearbook of the Linguistic Association of Finland 7 (1994)
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Filppula Markku and Sarhimaa Anneli:
Cross-Linguistic Syntactic Parallels and Contact-Induced Change
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Harris John and Lindsey Geoff:
Segmental Decomposition and the Signal

Harry van der Hulst :
An Introduction to Radical CV Phonology
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Kukkonen Pirjo:
Consonant Harmony
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Leinonen Marja:
Interpreting the Perfect: the Past as Explanation
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Nyman Martti:
All You Need Is What the System Needs?


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